Thursday 21 May 2015

Left is Right

I realize it’s been a while since my last post and want to apologize to my loyal readers for the silence… sorry Moms.  It’s been a busy, and somewhat internet-less week.  You can probably tell what part of this post will be about from the title, and you’d be right, which is really wrong.  See what I did there?

Yes, we bought a car! And bigger than that, we’ve been driving it on the left side of the road! The trick to it is to constantly say to yourself “left side, left side” and sometimes scream out loud “LEFT SIDE” when one of you turns onto the right side of the road (cough, it wasn't me, cough). You’d think it would feel at least a bit normal since we’re on the right side of the car, but it doesn’t really help.  Nor does it help that we’re shifting gears with our left hands.  By the way, many thanks to the aforementioned mothers (and fathers) of ours who both had the foresight to teach us to drive standard transmission vehicles all those years back.  Automatics aren’t easy to come by here, but we’re quite pleased with our selection.  Like our flat, it’s just what we pictured for ourselves.  We’ll be taking it to tour some of the English Countryside this weekend as Adam has Monday off for a Bank Holiday.  In case you're wondering what it feels like to go against everything you ever learned about driving, here's a taste of what we're going through (excuse the profanity, though sometimes that's what is going through my mind).

In other big news, we moved into our place! It’s slowly, but surely, starting to feel like home, many thanks in part to Amazon Prime and Ikea (y’all, it was my first trip and it was glorious).  We have more space than we thought we’d have, which is a bonus considering we moved out of a spacious 3BR ranch style house in Jackson.  

As for daily life, Adam is still trucking along at work.  He’s at his first client this week.  He’s learning a lot, and I think it’s safe to say this move has proven itself a beneficial move for him career wise.  He’s in a larger office working on bigger clients, and in case I haven’t mentioned it recently, we’re in a different country.  Sure, they speak English here (though sometimes it doesn’t sound that way-see this video), but it’s still an extremely different culture and businesses operate differently. 

I’m still on the job hunt.  I had a fairly horrendous interview last week, two actually.  To summarize, the company completely misrepresented the position.  I had another interview this morning, which didn't pan out.  I can't seem to find a job like what I did in the states and I'm told I'm quite overqualified for some jobs while also being underqualified for others.  Fingers crossed I find something in the middle soon.  Emotionally, I'm about here today...

Until then, I’ll focus on my efforts to meet Kate whilst not seeming like a stalker.  Perhaps we'll see them having a picnic this weekend.  They seem to enjoy the quiet life.  Here's a few more pictures that document life abroad.

Nice night out enjoying some chicken wings 
My first meat pie - it lived up to its bland expectations 
That's like 10 American dollars people.
Confession of the day: sometimes I find myself thinking in British accent. 
Till next time, mates! Kind regards, A&J

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